February 4, 2019
Student Spotlight – Mya
Mya is also a very talented baker. At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we celebrate our students' victories. Mya Bakk is our Student Spotlight for February, 2019! Mya has come so far in her confidence and ability that she is performing a solo in our Spring…

January 8, 2019
Student Spotlight – Jimena
For the Student Spotlight opening of 2019, we bring you Jimena Torres (Jay)! Jay started pole fitness as a part of a personal healing journey, with the intention of building emotional and physical strength, as well as confidence. She began attending…

October 28, 2018
Student Spotlight – Sarah
At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we feature one student every month who exemplifies the commitment and attitude of our joyful pole community. When Sarah first arrived at our studio as a Pole 1 student, she was quiet but determined to succeed. We have…

September 27, 2018
Student Spotlight – Bobbi
At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we recognize our students for their commitment and the sparkle they bring to the studio. Bobbi has been with us here at Aradia since 2012. You will find her here at Aradia on Tuesday and Wednesday night advanced…

February 28, 2018
Student Spotlight – Belu
Every month at Aradia fitness Calgary, we celebrate one of our most dedicated and delightful students. Our Student Spotlight for February, 2018 is Belu Perez. She represents our pole community of positive, supportive, and wonderful people. She has…

October 17, 2017
Remember the Love
While listening to a sportscaster talk about how a hockey player, 10 years into his career seemed to have lost his love of the game, I started thinking about this in relation to pole. I still love pole but I do see some major differences in it…

September 27, 2017
Student Spotlight – Madison
Every month, we feature one of our lovely students for our spotlight. It is always a tough decision because all of our students are wonderful. We consider dedication, effort, attitude, and in this case epic hair flips. For the month of September,…

March 7, 2017
Aradia Fitness Calgary – Student Spotlight
Student Spotlight, March 2017 Introducing, the lovely Sasha! Every month we will feature an Aradia Fitness Calgary student who we feel embodies our community of positive, supportive, powerful and fabulous women! For the month of March we are…

February 19, 2017
FAQs – Aradia Fitness Calgary
We thought doing a quick blog on the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) would be helpful to our existing students as well as those thinking of joining Pole Dance and Fitness with Aradia so here are some of the top questions and answers! I'm…