At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we celebrate our students’ success on their pole journey.  We watch our students get stronger and more confident with every pole class.

Our beautiful student Alex Zabel has not only progressed in her fitness and pole skills, but she has brought with her a lovely positive attitude, solid commitment and dedication, and a sparkly spirit that lights up the studio.  Her enthusiasm is easily shared by the other students and we are always so happy to have her in class.

Alex in her apprentice.

Thank you for joining our Aradia family, Alex!!

1.  Where are you from?  Hometown?

I’m from the Calgary region, most of my life has been spent in High River and Okotoks.

2.  What is your favourite pastime (outside of pole), including any other dancing you do?

I figure skated for 12 years when I was younger, so it’ll always have a place in my heart. Now I dance any way I can – pole, country swing, belly dance, and I’m signing up for a hip hop class too!

3.  What do you love most about pole?

Oh my goodness! There are so many things! I love the way I feel when I’m in pole class most of all! I feel strong and confident, even when I’m pretty sure I look like a lunatic, I still feel amazing!

4.  What keeps you motivated to come to your pole classes consistently?

It’s like an addiction! Honestly I don’t have to search very hard to find the motivation – pole is one of my favourite parts of the day! Every day is a better day with pole.

5.  What surprised you about pole dance and fitness?

How good it would make me feel. I sought out pole because I wasn’t feeling good about myself, but I had no idea how significant of a difference it would make!

6.  Why should someone join Aradia Fitness Calgary and start pole today?

It’ll change your whole life! Learning how to move your body and recognizing how strong you are is an extraordinary feeling. You’ll not only see the changes in yourself when you’re at pole, but you’ll also see them every day in so many different ways.