Instructor Feature - Amanda

We have another instructor feature for you this week! Amanda Myers has been…

Instructor Feature - Clare

Clare Burton is our resident polerina and our latest instructor feature! She…

Student Spotlight - Kelly

At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we love to brag about our students in our Student…

Instructor Feature - Angela

We hope you've been enjoying our instructor features and getting to know a bit…

Instructor Feature - Tianna

Tianna Gervais is the first of our aerial instructors being showcased in this…

Instructor Feature - Jordanna

To kick off 2020, our first instructor feature showcases Jordanna Hogan! We…

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year, everyone! We are so excited for what’s in store at Aradia…

A Students' Perspective of Pole 4

It is my pleasure to introduce our guest blogger, Alex Zabel. Alex is one of…

Experience, Training and Certification at Aradia Fitness Calgary

Aradia Fitness Calgary is dedicated to cultivating a team of highly trained…

Save the Date(s) - Epic 2020 Events Coming!

2019 has been an incredible year for Aradia Fitness Calgary. But, we’re just…