Instructor Feature - Amanda
We have another instructor feature for you this week! Amanda Myers has been…
Instructor Feature - Clare
Clare Burton is our resident polerina and our latest instructor feature! She…
Student Spotlight - Kelly
At Aradia Fitness Calgary, we love to brag about our students in our Student…
Instructor Feature - Angela
We hope you've been enjoying our instructor features and getting to know a bit…
Instructor Feature - Tianna
Tianna Gervais is the first of our aerial instructors being showcased in this…
Instructor Feature - Jordanna
To kick off 2020, our first instructor feature showcases Jordanna Hogan! We…
A Students' Perspective of Pole 4
It is my pleasure to introduce our guest blogger, Alex Zabel. Alex is one of…
Experience, Training and Certification at Aradia Fitness Calgary
Aradia Fitness Calgary is dedicated to cultivating a team of highly trained…
Save the Date(s) - Epic 2020 Events Coming!
2019 has been an incredible year for Aradia Fitness Calgary. But, we’re just…